Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Medical Tourism a new kind of travel - Medical care abroad

Leisure travel or travel to various destinations for pupposes like spending vaccation, leisure, religious reasons, pilgrimage, to visit someone known, business etc is known to many of us commonly, but medical tourism is one thing which is not much heard of.

What is medical tourism?
Medical tourism means traveling other country for treatment abroad. There can be various reasons for medical tourism. Low costs, no waiting time are the main reasons and sometime reasons mat be like technology is not avaialable in the parent country (e.g: cyberknife is still nor offered in many countries) OR doctors in the home country may find the treatment risky.

Medical tourism is very popular among un-insured, retired people and every years more than 1 lakh people visit other countries for health care services that include dental treatment, weight loss surgeries, cosmetic surgery, orthopaedic, cardiac care etc. If you want to learn more about medical tourism follow the blogger at Medical Tourism Co blog. There is some interesting stuff on this topic.

Other interesting links on this topic:

Making mind for treatment abroad is the first but very difficult task for medical tourism and selecting the desitnation, doctor and clinic is the next difficelu task. For any individual its very much frustrating and time cosuming task to research on whick country, doctor or clinic to choose and make sure if all is at par standards there. Best way to geti rid of this is to ask someone who have experience with medical tourism or contact a medical tourism company.

in case you need further information about medical tourism, feel free to post comments and I'll answer your queries to my best knowledge OR google is always there to help you out ;)

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